FGA (frequently given answers)
No question is a bad one.
It's only that we may have answered it a million times before . . .
Do I need a Passport? Visa?
Only for overseas trips. Passport must be valid for 6 months beyond your return date. We handle Visas for you and the Visa fee is included in your trip cost. Getting a Passport can take several weeks. Passport link: https://pptform.state.gov
Can I get a Land Package without airfare?
USA - Yes, prices are listed
INTERNATIONAL - Yes, but it is a long way to swim if you are not flying. Call us and we'll work with you to coordinate your air miles & travel dates with our trip.
What about my special Paleo diet?
We will do our best to accomodate your needs, but most times food preparation is out of our control. If you have stringent dietary needs, you may need to bring your own food supply at your own expense, as it is very time consuming and difficult to cater to one person's specific needs when traveling with a group.
USA travel is usually not too difficult. Local restaurants are experienced in catering to special requests. International travel is another story. Special needs require special preparaton on your part. On a typical international trip you will experience restaurants, food stalls, and street vendors. You get to embrace the culture and live like a local.
NOTE: We will never take you to an American chain restaurant overseas. You may find one and eat at it on your own time and expense but our thought is that you don't travel to the other side of the world to eat American food!
What about...?
Feel free to call or email if you still have unanswered questions. We are here to help.
Do you plan Group trips for churches and schools?
Yes. In addition to our own ministry outreaches and missions trips, we plan Patriotic Educational tours based on your specific needs and we plan Missions and Outreach trips overseas. Call us for more info.
Why do I need a password to access a school trip?
To protect the safety of minors and maintain privacy, all school trips require a password (provided to school admin and parents) to access specific trip information for their school.