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The greatest need in the Body of Christ today is for effective and successful leaders. New leaders must be raised up by existing leaders who are committed to passing on their spiritual DNA to the next generation. From Cuba, Burma, Sudan and onward, Global Quest has consistently trained and equipped leaders of the next generation.
Through systematic training in Leadership Development, young inexperienced leaders are groomed to rise up as influencers who will multiply themselves into the next generation of leaders.
The most effective form of evangelism and discipleship today is through church planting movements. Significantly different than a traditional church plant, a church planting movement is a rapidly reproducing, indigenous discipleship community that grows at an exponential rate.
Having traveled the globe extensively, ministered in many difficult situations and crises, Greg & Kim have developed life-long relationships with many missionaries. They are actively imparting their knowledge and experience to those who are willing to count the cost as they go to the uttermost bounds of the earth.
Haiti: Vetiver Grass Project for increasing water retention and erosion control on denuded hilllsides.
Haiti: Rocket Stove Project to provide sustainable small business and decrease deforestation for fuel.
Greece: Digital Word project to provide Muslim refugees with the Scriptures and evangelistic materials in their mother tongue.
It's hard to have a vision for the world if you've never left your own backyard.
One-third of all missionaries going overseas today are retirees who have income and time to donate to the work of God.
Jesus said "GO", He didn't say you couldn't come back. Expand your heart, worldview, and influence by sharing your love of God with others.
Greg & Kim Ford
Greg & Kim have a passion for the nations to hear the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. Recognizing their limitations to "go into every man's world", they have poured their lives into multiplying themselves through others, in addition to ministering extensively overseas themselves.

Global Quest is a ministry with a mission, a worldwide quest to equip the church to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus. They have particularly targeted the least evangelized countries of the world, a region known as the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window describes the geographical boundaries containing the 62 least evangelized countries of the world, a region stretching from western Africa to the Far East.
Global Quest has trained thousands of pastors in Burma, Cuba, Sudan, and beyond. Additionally, over thirty Bible schools have been planted in these nations, as well as four thriving churches. For three years, Global Quest held systematic evangelistic campaigns across southern Sudan, with thousands responding to Christ. A ministry base in southern Sudan was established which housed an Adult Bible School, a Church, orphanage, a Christian school, and facilities for coordinating relief efforts, training pastors, and facilitating teams from the West.
With a strong emphasis on Church Planting and Discipleship, Global Quest is impacting indigenous leaders. Thousands of Pastors have received spiritual impartation, targeted training, and relevant discipleship materials. Tribal peoples are being born again, Muslims are committing their lives to Christ, and Christian leaders are learning how to raise up strong disciples so that the work of God flourishes.
Greg served at Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, assisting with Victory’s Cell Groups, as Singles Pastor, directing Global Impact Missions, the former short term missions arm of Victory, directing Victory World Missions Training Center, a career missions training program, and teaching many years in Victory College. Kim was a Founding Board member of Teen Mania Ministries, and served on staff for several years. Additionally, Greg has written worship songs including “The Outpouring”, “Lift Up Your Eyes To the Harvest”, “Consumed by the Cry of Your Spirit”, and others.